Alaina Kerstin
Age: 21
Henrik & Ann Kerstin (both L)
Student, University of Ca @
Berkeley |
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 129
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Distinguishing Features:
Personality: If there is a superstition, Lane will know it. A
true believer in folklore and old wives tails. She has this whole ritual
she has to do if she even thinks she's broken a chain or think she's
picked up someone’s bad karma. Friends would say she suffers from
obsessive chattering syndrome and about the only way at times they can
shut her up is my asking her if her nails look chipped. She's funny, and
bright at what she knows. Close to her friends, likes romance movies and
hopes one day to be a movie star herself.
Personal Quirks: Loves romance
movies, and books, though she'd rather see it on screen then read about
it. Loves her candy apple red 1966 Ford Mustang convertible. She'll fuss
over that car more then herself. Which says a lot. Obsessive about her
finger nails, fashion magazines and her more used phrase is. "huh?"
Always carries gum on her. Hates when she has to pump her own gas and
wishes the United States Government would do something about all the
civil unrest.
Alaina Kerstin was born the youngest child of Henrik
and Ann Kerstin. Having two older brothers, Jonas and Lucas, she grew up
pretty much sheltered within her close knit Swedish family. The Kerstin
family owns and operates a large scale import business that goes from
Hawaii to Sweden. After the second world war though the family moved
from Sweden and settled in the port city of San Francisco.
Alaina was named after her paternal grandmother and was pretty much
given everything she wanted
growing up.
Being a social butterfly, she was on all the teams in high school. Voted
homecoming queen and prom queen. She never really had any direction
going in her life. Her parents often worried that she would get to
college and go through it without making anything of herself. They ended
up hoping that she'd marry well off, cause when she entered Berkeley she
still didn't have a set major she was going to work on.

It bothered Alaina hearing her parents say, "you better marry rich." but
she never let it show. She did have aspirations in college. She'd
thought about becoming a doctor, but she didn't want to be in school
that long. She'd applied to go to nursing school after college, Alaina
hadn’t heard anything back on that though. Then, she got interested in
drama and quickly changed her major into drama and musical arts.
Now in her senior she looks forward to graduation. Things never quiet
work out like one wants. As part of her credits, she couldn't drop a
field trip which Lane did not want to go on. Last thing she wanted to do
was sit on a bus with other people, dig in the desert and knowing her
luck, find the only deadly snake in this
part of California. While out on that trip, something strange happened
and it left her wanting to know more.
Once they got back to campus, the students pretty much went their own
ways. Some dropped out of college, but Alaina stood there and looked
around wondering who she could talk to about that. Figuring it was a
ghost she went and talked with Steven Miller, Professor of Paranormal
Studies. After their brief conversation, she found herself in a new
secret group Paranormal Studies