Name: Elizabeth Ann
Smith - Miller
Nickname: Beth, Liz, Lizzie,
Age: 30
Spouse: Steven Miller
Parents: Claire and Rodney Smith
Occupation: Professor of
Biology, Chemistry at UC Berkeley |
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120
Hair: short dark brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Distinguishing Features: Has a tendency to wear
alot of dark eyeliner and sometimes eye shadow that
literally matches what she is wearing. Has a couple of
childhood scars, but nothing recent or major.
She does although have a tattoo on her left ankle with
the letters 'SM', which stand for her live in boyfriend,
Steven Miller.
Personality: Beth
is a free spirit, a bit on the nerdy side but always one
to be cool, calm and collected during a crisis. She is
usually pretty honest, but does have a tendency to NOT
tell all of the truth and does that whole 'white lie'
thing, so she doesn't truly hurt someone's feelings.
Personal Quirks: Ok, she loves to smoke weed...she
won't do it to where it affects her job or something
important. But if she is off from work, doesn't have to
go anywhere...she can be seen sitting in her favorite
bean bag chair, on the floor with a soda pop in one hand
and a joint in the other.
History: Beth is the 3rd child to Clair and
Rodney and the baby of the family. Her father a police
officer for the San Francisco Police Department, her
mother a bank teller to one of the local branches. The
chidren weren't in need for anything, but maybe some
attention and love.
Dad drank alot and still does, mom refused to admit he
does and so lets it go. Her brother Ralphie, who is 3
years older then her, did the whole went through school,
did the football team and followed in their father's
footsteps of joining the force.
Their middle sister, Constance, she ran away when she was
16. And the last anyone really heard from her was when
she had turned 21 and she was in New York, supposedly
trying out for some Broadway play. Of course it wasn't
any more then 2 weeks later, their father found out just
exactly what Connie had been doing, which was working the streets and
staying in some sort of weekly hotel with some losers.
Elizabeth did what she supposed when she got
older...stayed for the most part in the middle. She went
through school, graduated and actually found she had a
knack for biology. She passed all of her classes with
scores that just blew a lot of people's minds.
But instead of going towards some sort of science degree
and working for the big dogs...as they would say. She did
and took everything she could and decided upon helping to
teach others what she knew. She took a teaching job at UC
It was there she sort of fell hard for one of the new
professors at the University. She had many relationships,
but none that had really grabbed her to the point of
going against all the 'morals' her parents tried to teach
Here she was well over 25, never married, no children, a
professor at an University and then she met Professor
Steven Miller. In order for both to keep their jobs and
not have any problems, they had not only jumped quickly
in the whole moving in together, but they had conjured up
the story that they had gotten married. For work
purposes, she has infact taken on his last name.