What is the general
manner in which the residents of the Colony travel around?
Travel is done by golf carts, with the immense size of the dome,
it is not uncommon for some to use carts from point A to point
How is the
exploration of the planet from the colony done?
F-16s' were made and created to do the job of fly overs of the
planet that for now surrounds the dome. They take photos of the
land, and then return with the data via computer link.
How many
levels/floors does the Dome have?
54, with 53 starting at ground level and working it's way up.
Level 54 being the underground level, and it's size being twice
the size of the Dome itself.
How does one have
money, make money and pay money for food, clothing, extras?
Since those on Mars are obviously not on Earth to receive their
pay checks, provisions have been made so that each
employee/military staff and others there at the colony. Have a
card, like a debit card, that money is put on, each month. It's
not an allowance, it is their pay. Every month their pay is up
linked to the computers network and when a person buys
something, the card is swiped and the amount is deducted from
their account. It's pretty self explanatory, but if you have
questions, please ask.
How big is the actual
Dome, in width?
It is roughly the size of 3 standard football fields side by
side. Making the underground level 54, the size about 9 football
fields in size, side by side.
Can my character just
go outside of the dome anytime?
NO, they can not. They, this means you....The character and you
must somewhere in your post have stated they spoke with someone
first or email/IM either of the GM's to ask about it. Since,
life inside the dome is to atleast be somewhat normal on a new
planet...the scientists are there to study what is found and
brought back by the Jets, and Military/Engineers go to
check/double check the safety of the dome inside and outside. So
they have the 'clearance' and the 'reason' to go outside
of the Dome. Anyone else would have to be properly supervised
and escorted outside, for everyone's safety.
How did my character
get picked for this program?
The specialists/chiefs etc...were recruited.. the best of the
best. After they were hand picked, everyone else applied and
upon getting approved...then they were brought on board for the
How long is each
person's tour/job/contract?
With Mar's elapsed time of rotating around the Sun being 24
hours and 37 minutes long, 687 days a year. Each person signed a
5 year contract. Going with Earth's time of rotation/calendar.
Meaning...Each person signed up for atleast the 5 year Earth
long contract, 2 1/2 years Mars time. And once their time
is up, they are sent home. Allowed to Re-up for the job.
However, not guaranteed they would get picked right away or at
Why is there military
For many obvious reasons, to secure peace. To secure the safety
as well as when has any major project NEVER gone without a
military presence for long?
What is the main
objective of the mission?
To of course explore Mars, colonize it and see if there are or
has ever been any sign of life on the now desert planet.