Name: Lenayia
Nickname: Naya
if anything
Age: 29
Parents: Andrea and James Roberts
One son, just over three years old- Aidan
Occupation: Blood Technichian (typing,
cross matching, protein testing etc) |
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 126
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Dark
Distinguishing Features: No tattos or piercings
barring her ears but she had a birthmark on her inner
wrist which is dark reddish brown and shaped like two
overlapping ovals. Her son has the same birthmark as does
her father.
Personality: Friendly and outgoing
sometimes almost to the point of being blunt. She
sometimes can be taken for rude as she despises mental
games and tends to ask people when and if they have
issues for her. She also tends to embrace certain things
and can be very stubborn to sway. On the whole she is a
genuinely nice person even if she can tend to get a tad
too blunt almost into bitchy. She's very protective over
her son and tends to visit him at lunchtimes in her work
place creche.
Personal Quirks: She has a very sarcastic
sense of humour that some people can find annoying, if
she feels cornered it becomes an automatic defense
mechanism for her. She loves mythology especially the
Greek and Roman era's. She loves her job with a passion
but always put's her child before it.
History: Lenayia was born
into a normal family and had a very normal and loving
childhood. The only oddity she found was that girls
tended to be very rare in her family and she was the
first one in three generations. Which made her parents
idolize her more.
her life Lenayia was always passionate about science and
was determined to work in some form of biological
science. She is extremely interested in DNA
and although she is disappointed more work
isn't done in what she considers a rapidly expanding
field she still enjoys analyzing blood samples and cross
matching them- now that the genetic code has been cracked
she enthusiastically looking into ways to analyze it
and further study blood not only because it's her passion
but because she is working on a very interesting sample.
Five years
previously Lenayia fell in love with Aidan Ellis, a
young scientist who worked in the same field as her
but was involved in blood and antigen testing to confirm
identities. They planned to marry and were going to hurry
it up when Lenayia found she was one month pregnant but
the night they were due to finalize the
arrangements, Aidan called Lenayia to delay it. He'd
received blood samples from a murder victim; the
blood in question had not been the victims and Aidan had
been given it to analyze to see if he could match
the blood type, antigens and confirm
diabetes to aid them in trapping the suspect
they believed to be the killer.
When he didn't come
home that night Lenayia went to bed assuming he was
working late until she was woken at three in the morning
by the phone ringing; when she picked it up she was
horrified to hear her husband-to-be crying down the phone
to her. All he had time to tell her was that something
was terribly wrong with the blood samples type and
that he'd hidden some inside the chest freezer in the
lab. When Lenayia tried to question him in a panic
she heard the phone being dropped and then the awful
sound of her husband screaming before the line went dead.
Though she called the police her husband was never found
and the lab swept clean save the blood sample Lenayia
found hidden in the freezer.
believed he had set up an elaborate farce to get out of
marrying Lenayia but she was adamant he
hadn't. Less then a week after Aidan
disappeared she was questioned by several people who
wanted to know more details about his being missing and
the work he'd been doing. When they began literally
giving her the third degree she decided to play dumb and
just claimed she knew nothing about it purposefully
making them believe she also thought he'd set it up to
jilt her. She didn't share her true suspicions with
anyone least of all those who questioned her over it- she
was too worried about her child-to-be.
When she first tested the blood she noticed it was not
one of the standard four blood types and was something
odd and confusing but now with the recent techniques
she has been able to analyze the blood sample herself and
has found extremely strange variations in the shape of
the DNA. She has no idea who to talk to but continues to
analyze it; finishing her work quickly and working on the
strange blood on the rest of her time. She is researching
new techniques to look into it and is frustrated by the
lack of technology.