Name: Lee Allen St. John Griffith
Age: 24
Parents: Walter Griffith, Pauline St. John Griffith
Children: None
Occupation: Student-Open

Physical Description

5' 11"
Sandy brown

Distinguishing Features: Well toned and defined body, but other then that and the accent, he pretty much blends in. Which he likes.

Doesn't like to talk about home. He will though talk about his time in America so far. Loves the US and the whole hippie culture, the drop out part works for him, since in a way, he dropped out of England. He's friendly and likes to talk to people about most anything. Starting to experiment with the drugs of the time.

Personal Quirks:
Carries a knife with him wherever he goes. It's a left over from his military training in England and found he needs it here in the US. Likes movies of most any kind and music. Especially the newer stuff.

History: Lee grew up in the lap of luxury in England. His father is a 2nd cousin to the queen, so he was never lacking anything, except more love. His parents were the stereotypical upperclass people, with the whole nannies and never having time for their only child.

Lee spent more time with the nanny then he did his parents, the woman becoming more his mother then his mother was. He loved the woman and only because he didn't want to disapoint her, he stayed on the straight and narrow for the most part.

He did the whole drinking as a kid, some breaking the law, but that was it. He stayed away from the drugs, even though most are legal in England. His nanny, Doris didn't like them, having lost her own son to drugs years ago.

Lee grew up and graduated HS at 16, soon joining the military as was his family tradition. He wasn't thrilled with the disapline of the military, but he couldn't do anything about it. So he stayed, that was till he found out at 18 that his parents had arranged a marriage for him. He looked at them at first like they were crazy, that stuff didn't happen anymore, but since they were a 'royal' family, it was indeed done and acceptable.

He was to marry the woman, Rose, on his 23rd birthday, when she turned 18, so for now he hung in and tried to get to know her. But what he learned of her, he didn't like. Rose was very uptight, stuck up and an all around bitch.

He found he didn't like her and when he turned 21, he took off. He went AWOL from the military and ran from his family. He was found less then 3 months later and brought back home. He would have gone to prison for being AWOL from the military, but the Queen honestly stepped in and prevented it. He went back to the military with just a black mark on his record and didn't even lose his rank.

But he wasn't about to stay and marry Rose either. This time he bidded his time, saved his money and planned his escape better. So that a week before his Rose's 18th birthday, he got on a jet and took off to America. He's not returned since.

He's though suddenly gone from having all the money in the world, to having nothing. He's taken to selling drugs to feed himself and he's also managed to make enough money doing that and a few other illegal things, to afford a semester at college, so he could get a degree here in America and maybe a legal job.