Moira McKenna
Nickname: None
Age: 26
Spouse: None
Children: None
Occupation: Nurse |
Physical Description
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130
Hair: Red/Auburn
Eyes: Hazel
Distinguishing Features: Scars on
lower back.
Personality: Moira is
very much a home body. She's dated but not
very much and views the chance at going to Mars
as a way to change things with herself. She
doesn't know how to get close to people.
She can talk with them about anything but at the
same time is not very revealing about
herself. She's also very much a
giver. She has a tendency to taking on more
then she can chew. She can have a temper
but it takes a lot for it to blow
Personal Quirks: Will chew on
her lip when she's nervous or unsure. She is
confident in her medical knowledge and will speak
her mind on that. She can be very
stubborn. Although she'll take on a great
deal she doesn't have a problem with telling
someone off, if she feels they are out of line .
She is claustrophobic to some extent. She
can handle elevators so long as they keep
moving. With her it's a matter of if there
is a way out. She's more afraid of being
trapped then of closed in spaces.
History: Moira grew
up as an only to child. Her mother, Margaret, had
a rough pregnancy with her and never really
recovered from the birthing. Moira
was a preemie and because of it cost her parents
plenty during her first weeks of life. Her
father, Daniel, was a police officer and although
they had decent insurance between her medical and
her mothers it did drain their savings.
Moira was often reminded of
this as she was growing up. As Moira grew
up more and more responsibilities were placed
upon her. By the time she was ten she
cleaned the house, cooked the meals, etc all
while going to school. Although she never
saw the alcohol her mother drank very heavily and
spent all her time either in front of the
television or in her room.
Moira's father unfortunately
expected Moira to do all this and keep her grades
up. If she failed to do what he thought
needed to be done he would punish her and even
sometimes he'd do it just because he wanted
to. He had a bad temper and often took it
out on her and her mother, especially if he had a
bad day at work.
When Moira was seventeen her
father was killed in the line of duty. He'd
chased a robber down an alley and was shot. The
force paid for his funeral and they did get his
death benefits along with his pension. It
helped especially since Moira would be graduating
from school soon and would need money to pay for
further education. She used some of it
along with student loans and a part time job to
pay for her college degree in nursing. She knew
she'd wanted to do that from the onset.
She'd wanted to become a nurse and was determined
to do it.
school, work, and taking care of her mother Moira
had very little time to sleep let alone
socialize. By the time she graduated she
was exhausted but happy. She got a job at a
local hospital and began to work her way up.
About a year later the hospital approached
her about becoming an ARNP. Yes it would
mean going back to school but it would give her
better pay. The hospital would pay for it
but she'd have to agree to work for so long
afterwards or pay them back. She debated on
this for some time. She figured though it
might be just the thing for her.
She knew she didn't want to
be a doctor but this was between the two.
She started going back to school and working
strictly on the weekends at the hospital.
While doing all this she also met Dr. Mark
Reynolds. He asked her out to a social
function at the hospital and from there they saw
each other when their schedules would
permit. For her it was nice but her
time was once more very strained.
Then to add to her burdens
her mother got very sick. She needed a
liver transplant. Due to her drinking
history her mother was put way down on the list
for a transplant. So now Moira was going to
school, working, taking care of the house and
also having to visit her mother in the hospital
and make sure she was getting good care.
Finally it all came to a head. She was on
the verge of breaking when her mother passed
away. She went to see Mark, needing some
comfort...she arrived at his apartment to find
him in the hot tub with another man. She
could not mistake the embrace for anything
platonic and blew a gasket. She stormed
over reading him the riot act before walking away
and not looking back.
She couldn't take any more
at this point. She shut down. She did
everything automatically. Thankfully school
was on break and her job gave her some time off
to deal with the death and all that went with
it. She decided though she couldn't go back
to the hospital to work. It just wasn't
possible with Mark there. The director
heard through the grape vine about the situation
and he approached her. He had a friend in
the government and they were looking for medical
personal for Mars. He thought she might be
interested. She jumped at the chance.