Jennifer Genovese
Nickname: Jen-Gen
Age: 26
Spouse: None
Children: None
Occupation: Botanical geneticist
(biotech genegineer)
Physical Description
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 112
Hair: Shoulder-length
dark brown with bleached streaks who's colors
change regularly, usually worn twisted up in a
clip or worn in a ponytail (when not under a cap
in the clean lab)
Eyes: An amberish brown with a
steady almost unrelenting gaze at times as if she
forgets she is not still looking through her
Distinguishing Features: Triple pierced ears that
only rarely hold earrings, double crescent
moray-eel scar on right calf recieved while
developing new strain of kelp, tattoo of a
smiley-faced cartoon daisy upon the back of her
left ankle.
Personality:Irreverent and mildly
sarcastic but generally amiable over all.
Personal Quirks:Stylus or plural often held
poked into clipped or ponytailed hair, unable
(when sitting) to keep leg or foot from 'going'
when thinking either deeply or absently (a
variant of pencil-tapping)
History:Raised in a middle class
family in Portugal she has had a life-long
fascination with plants which was easily indulged
and nurtured with her gardens nearly choking out
the house's actual lawn, as well as the fact that
her cousin worked at a florist's shop nearby
which she often visited after school during
elementary years.
During the later years of
her youth she learned of and fell in love with
genetics. Achieving admission to a prestigious
scientific institute in France for her higher
education she excelled in all courses of study
related to biotech research. Even being chosen to
work in an assisting capacity with one of the
professors during her third year.
a doctorate in botany and phd in biotechnology
she returned to Portugal to work for a small
oceanographic biotech firm which was developing
strains of kelp both larger and tasty rather than
just palatable, gambling on patents and approval
by the myriad of national food standards in the
hope of claiming a niche in both the health-snack
and gourmet market potential of biotechnology.
to make kelp taste like chicken wasn't as
fascinating as she had hoped it would be,
especially knowing her collegues were out there
the world over making truly groundbreaking
strides in the field. So when the oppurtunity was
to her to go develop strains of plants designed
for the specific needs of a Martian colony from
the dietary needs of the colonists and
pharmacopia that the medical doctors will be able
to trust in the event of possible shortages of
medical supplies to whatever unexpected events
might be served with a biotech answer.