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In 1985, President Regan had a dream. It was a
simple one. Explore and Colonize Mars.
He knew with how the world was going, that one
day wed need it if we were to survive.
By 2005, the whole exploration and colonization
of Mars really began, with a joint effort of the
But is what you see all you get?
What will they uncover in the great pyramid?
Or is Mars as lifeless as it seems?
We are here to see if life ever
existed on this planet by Archeological and
scientific means.
As well as Terraform the planet to
human life. Earth won't last forever.

It took longer then normal, ghosts in the
machine, it was called, but by 2004 the first
crew was sent up there to live.
By 2005, the whole exploration and colonization
of Mars really began.
This is a non-profit, free, game
All images are that of their
original creators/owners.
Website made by Rob and Eva for the
sole use in this game. 2005.
