Ianna Taylor
Rank: None
Nickname: Indiana (friends
from College gave her this)
Age: 26
Spouse: None
Children: None
Occupation: Archeologist |
Physical Description
Height: 5 9
Weight: 120
Hair: Red/auburn
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing Features: None
Personality: A bit on the bookish side.
Not very good with people but knows her work and
her capabilities. She has a tendency to back down
to her parents but is learning to stand up for
herself with others. Enjoys reading, doing
research, seeking out answers to questions.
Personal Quirks:When she gets up has her
coffee and cigarettes while working on puzzles,
such as crosswords, anagrams, cryptograms etc.
She prefers to be a night owl and not up early in
the morning.
History:Ianna grew up in a military
household. Her father General Ian Taylor worked
in the pentagon from the time she was five so she
didnt have the moving about that many
military brats get.
was named after her father; he had wanted a son
and never really let her forget that. Her mother,
Donna, was a housewife who did the PTA, Church
groups, the hospitals, etc; so Ianna was often
left on her own growing up. She was under
constant pressure to get good grades, to exceed
expectations in all areas of school. She was
signed up at an early age to take piano and
dance. Later it was art and martial arts added to
or quitting was not an option for her. When she
graduated high school her father wanted her to go
college to become a doctor and to join the
military afterwards as a captain however she went
to become an archeologist. She refused to go into
the military but she never heard the end of it.
Her mother played the martyr
and her father kept making her feel like she was
a failure. She had a good friend in college named
Randy. He gave her the nickname Indiana after the
Indiana Jones movies.
When she graduated from college she went on to
work in conjunction with the local college even
though her father had pulled strings to get her
an interview with the director of the
Smithsonian. She wanted to do things on her own
but it was hard to ignore the comments and the
guilt trips her parents did to her when she went
over for Sunday dinners. It was getting to the
point where she was about to cave in and go to
the Smithsonian although she knew there she
wouldnt be able to do the work she was
doing at the small local college.
Shed be a lowly peon there no matter what
her father said. She went for the usual Sunday
dinner and this time instead he started in on the
Colony on Mars. He knew they needed
archaeologists and he wanted her to go. He knew
she was physically fit for it and could pass the
physical. By this time Ianna thought perhaps this
was best. It would be new and exciting and more
importantly, it would get her away from them. So
she agreed and decided to go for it.