Daniel Salazar
Rank: Captain
Age: 27
Spouse: None
Children: None
Occupation: Asst
to Beta Dome |
Physical Description
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Tattoo of
Jesus Christ on his right shoulder blade and an
old tattoo of the Marine Logo, 'semper fi' on his
left arm.
Personality: Seems very
kind and caring, but has a very dark side he only
shows when he needs to. Is protective of people
and tries his best to help them, when he thinks
they need it. If they don't, he's not above
turning his back on them and letting them suffer.
Personal Quirks: Likes to
drink and smoke, doesn't mind doing drugs either.
All the human frailties, but seems to be able to
keep all in control. Likes woman, but it doesn't
seem he's been with one in years, other then
friends. He prefers vegetables over meat, but
sometimes has a craving for it and gives in to
it. Loves chocolate anything.
History: Daniel was
born the only child to his parents, two very hard
working and religious people. His father worked
in a bank as the manager and his mother was a
stay at home mother. He was the only child for
some reason, a reason they never figured out.
Since his mother never got pregnant again.
Daniel's life was pretty
good. His parents loved him deeply and gave them
all they could afford, which at the time wasn't
much. But they loved him and that was enough.
through school, things were pretty good for him
and he was involved in sports and all the other
things kids were into, then.
When he graduated he went
and joined the military, the US Marines
specifically and went and fought like all young
men of his time. He made it through and was done
soon, but he stayed in the Marines, which got him
transfered to outside New Mexico.
He stayed there and
amazingly at the time a UFO crashed in New
Mexico, his troop got into a car accident.
Everyone was immediately killed, exept for
Daniel, who laid there dying as well.
Strangly when he was later
found, he was unharmed. They weren't sure what to
make of that, but no one said anything, just soon
put Daniel back to work in the military. Which in
the long run got him sent to the Beta sight on
Mars, one of the few to know of it's existance.