Brooke Teagan
Rank: -
Nickname: -
Age: 25
Spouse: None
Children: None
Occupation: |
Physical Description
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 120
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Brooke's
most noticeable feature are her eyes and smile.
They seem to disarm and make people relax.
Personality: Brooke is
quiet and somewhat reserved. A helper at heart
she always looks for ways to help others, be in
just listening and offering a few kind words or
actually physically jumping into the mess and
helping. She's the kind of person who would give
you anything she owned if she thought it would
benefit you in some way. Her happiness lays in
her friends, of which, she is deathly loyal. She
isn't a gossip monger or rumor instigator. Enjoys
life and often laughs over the silliest of
things. To her all good things are in the small
things life offers.
Personal Quirks: Hates lairs
and people who clearly do not know what their
talking about. She's also bothered by people who
don't listen, rather say things about people when
they do not even know them. Brooke finds solace
though in her drawing and music, she plays piano
and violin. She speaks three languages, Japanese,
Spanish and German.
History: Brooke's
life started out like any other child's life.
Born the youngest child of two loving parents.
She has two older siblings, Lucas and Nina
Teagan. Lucas is in the Air force, while her
older sister Nina is working within the family
business as the group sales representative. Her
mother, Laurel, works from home as a child and
family therapist. Who was very well renowned for
her teachings and books. Being with her mother as
a young child Brooke began to pick up quiet of
few of her mother's habits and opinions about
things. Often flipping through one of her
mother's books as she watched TV. Brooke's
father, Robert, works in the family business of
making furniture. Primarily European Classical
and Early American period pieces. The Teagan
family started making furniture before their
city, Chapel Hill, NC, became the place to buy
furniture. Teagan family are widely sought after
pieces and most of the time their is a waiting
list for the pieces cause they make everything by
hand and not by modern day mass production.
Brooke grew to know
she loved to work with her hands and working with
wood beside her dad. As she grew into teenage
years she would draw furniture pieces and then
her father would build them. During those times
together it was usually when Robert and her would
have their most honest and deep conversations.
There together sanding the wood, or tracing the
pattern the two would talk about anything and
everything. Before that she had always thought he
was a simple man, who just wanted to piddle in
the wood. Then she realized just how smart he
was. That was when she realized she had a gift of
listening. She'd listen to him tell stories
ranging from going fishing or, she'd watch him
push back unshed tears of the times he was in the
military. When her other brother joined the air
force, everyone was proud of him but Brooke saw
in her father's eyes also sadness for having to
let Lucas go and for not being there to spare him
the sights of wars and killing. He wasn't a
simple man, but man who chose simple words spoke
When at home
with her mother, Brooke,would read her mother's
books. Quiet times she would sit in her bedroom
reading the books began to help the teen ager
form her thoughts on the topics her mom wrote
about. Sometimes she agreed with her mother,
sometimes she didn't.
When Brooke entered college,
she majored in psychological studies with a minor
in industrial design, more or less learning how
to build a better piece of furniture. College
life at the University of North Carolina was good
and strange for her. She'd never been around such
a large mass of ideals available to her. Every
topic one could think of was there. There was
clubs and sororities, groups and people who were
new to North Carolina. College was something that
brought her new challenges, one of those
challenges was learning not everyone has a honest
heart. Sometimes the nicest looking people where
cold and distant, that was foreign to Brooke who
grew up in a close knit community and family of
huggers. She wrote a term paper on the
individuality focus, how she believed it was the
generational distances. Brooke was alot like her
mom and dad, but she wasn't them. Even she didn't
do everything like they did. The other thing
Brooke learned was there was life beyond North
Carolina and she wanted to see it.
When she graduated she was
going to enroll into post graduate studies and
finish out her degree in physiological studies.
She wanted to go to Europe, see the world, but
her ethical part of knowing how much her family
was supporting her here at college she enrolled
back into North Carolina University for post
graduate studies. She focused mainly on her
major, leaving little time for that and her love
of music. The only breaks she would do is to
going for pizza with friends and the occasional
date here and there. One year before she
officially graduated she got a letter from
someone called Mr. Connor Winters. He wrote how
he had saw her work and wanted her to come work
for him as his assistant and civilian counselor,
with the option of perhaps finishing off her post
graduate studies while on job. After a few phone
calls she learned this was a real offer and only
after she agreed to take it, did she realize just
how far this adventure would take her.